Reader Question:
Dear Master Kim,
I am a 44 year-old cho dan student in Tae Kwon Do. I work out consistently in the dojang and at home (weights, NordicTrac, running), and have achieved a reasonably high level of ability and fitness for my age. A nagging problem that has exacerbated recently is upper-body rigidity. Sah Bum Nim reminds me constantly that my punches during forms (pyung ahn, cholgi, and black-belt level WTF) are being "pushed" and that they tend to rise as if I'm skiing. Also my elbow is traveling away from my body as I punch. He believes the source of my problem is that my shoulders are not sufficiently relaxed. Do you know of drills, exercises or techniques I can employ to solve this problem? If I "focus" on relaxing, I tend to tense up more!
Thank you for your help.
Bob, NY
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